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Iran’s Anti-Execution Campaign Expands to 11 Prisons on 25th Week
The “No Execution Tuesdays” campaign, a prisoner-led initiative against capital punishment in Iran, has entered its 25th consecutive week.

This Tuesday, inmates in Ardabil and Qaimshahr prisons participated in the campaign, expanding its reach to 11 prisons in the country.

Prisoners participating in the campaign stage weekly hunger strikes to protest the death penalty and draw domestic and international attention to what they call “inhuman capital punishment.”

The campaign’s continuation comes in the wake of recent executions carried out by the Islamic Republic’s judicial system.

According to reliable sources, unnamed prisoners from Ardabil and Qaimshahr prisons have joined the movement this week, expressing solidarity with inmates in other facilities.

The campaign now includes participants from various prisons, including Evin, Ghezelhesar, Karaj Central, Khorramabad, Tabriz, Khoi, Naqdeh, Mashhad, and Saqqez.

Campaigners are urging both political and non-political prisoners nationwide to join their cause, aiming to elevate “No to Execution” to a national demand.

In last week’s statement, striking prisoners highlighted a new wave of executions and called for increased domestic and international support for their anti-death penalty stance.
The weekly hunger strike began in February this year comprising prisoners from various Iranian jails.
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